Never wait to order

Pay cover and order drinks directly from your phone


PICK / press / PICKUP

pICK / press / PICKup

too easy

No signup
No wait to order
No physical payment
No closing out

Know exactly when
your drinks are ready


Pick your spot


Pick your drinks

Pick them up


better service


Make your spot known.
Showcase your info, photos, menus, and specials.
Pour ordering lets your customers know that they're in for a painless experience.

Staff simplicity

Pour makes your servers' lives easier.
Let them focus on making drinks
instead of taking orders, entering items, swiping cards, printing receipts, and managing tabs.

Increased sales

Pour eliminates your biggest service bottlenecks,
enabling your staff to serve more drinks.
It also makes your customers' lives easier.
That's always a good idea.

happy patrons

Immediate ordering

Order drinks without a struggle,
from anywhere in the bar, at any time.
Get notified as soon as they're ready.

Easily reorder

Liked that one?
Order it again with a couple of taps.

No physical payment

Don't hand over your credit card to strangers.
Pay directly from your phone, without ever needing to close a tab at the end of the night.

Frequently asked

Is there a fee to use Pour to order drinks?

There are no fees to use Pour, and menu prices are not marked up.

Does Pour sell my data?

We do not sell your data, in part because we do our best to avoid collecting it in the first place.
Pour does not require that you make an account or offer up any personal or contact information.
Additionally, our order validation process is completely anonymous, unless you choose to provide e.g., your name.

In the future, we may sell general, anonymous insights on ordering trends and tendencies to consumer brands and venues. Those insights are not linked to user identity or personal info in any way.

How does Pour make money?

For now, we don't.

Where have you been?

Waiting for the right time...


need more


need more

occasionally asked

Is there a fee to use Pour?

There are no fees to use Pour, and menu prices are not marked up.

Does Pour sell my data?

We do not sell your data, in part because we do our best to avoid collecting it in the first place.
Pour does not require that you make an account or offer up any personal or contact information.
Additionally, our order validation process is completely anonymous, unless you choose to provide e.g., your name.

In the future, we may sell general, anonymous insights on ordering trends and tendencies to consumer brands and venues. Those insights are not linked to user identity or personal info in any way.

How does Pour make money?

For now, we don't.

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